Sat at home trying hard to motivate yourself? I know we’ve all had moments like that..
But working from home can be incredibly productive and satisfying. Here are my 5 Top tips to hack Home Working:
1) Bite Size Chunks
Break up the day into functional chunks. Segment time slots for phone calls, responding to emails, team meetings & those tasks that require 150% concentration.
Be ruthless with your time management and you will be streets ahead
2) Plan Treats
Have a mid-morning pick me up when concentration starts to flag. Then have a treat to look forward to in the afternoon – whether it be a cup of peppermint tea, an orange or a massive chocolate muffin. Research has shown that looking forward to rewards enhances your mood and productivity
3) Stay Active
Go for a walk, do breathing exercises, skip – whatever you’re into do at least half an hour during the day and feel the difference
4) To Do Lists
Prepare a Daily To-Do list
Cross off tasks as you complete them
Review at the end of the day & you’ll be amazed with your Productivity
5) Happy Fridays
Yes – you’ve conquered the beast of a week !
Reward yourself – cook something special/ get something in/ chill out with a book or a movie. You’ve earned it & this will set you up for a brilliant week, next week